Most of us never think about how water gets to the tap. Luckily, we don’t have to. Pumps, treatment plants, and pipes bring us clean water. But our water systems are aging. Our water systems need constant investment to continue delivering life’s most essential resource. Each month when you pay your water bill, you are investing in your water system. If your water rates go up even though you’ve been conserving, its’ because the maintenance costs for your water system never go down. Your water rates also pay for planning how to adapt our water supply to big challenges such as drought and seawater intrusion into coastal groundwater aquifers. The good news is that your investment has amazing returns! You get water for a few pennies a gallon, and you don’t have to run your own water treatment plant or conduct water quality testing!
Click and advance on the slides below to learn about water supply and treatment infrastructure projects that are improving water supply reliability in Santa Cruz County.